Friday, March 7, 2014

Getting Healthy Week #1

Lately I've been trying to get healthy and fit while losing a few pounds.
My AMAZING Visiting teacher got me set up with a new diet  lifestyle change!

click and watch the movie

Basically I have made a goal to not eat out,
only eat from the book, and work out 5x a week for 1-2 hours each time.
[no gluten, no dairy, no sugar, no wheat]
Even though it doesn't have these ingredients, I am eating
better/ more than I have since I left my moms house.

I will be doing this and recording my change over a 4 week period,
basically until I go to Florida with Ryan on April 12, 2014. It seems easy enough, but I will be honest, I am a little worried about my very strong and enticing cravings I get. I have been doing this on and off since January and I have lost 3-4 pounds already and consistently kept it off. I do not have any starting measurements from January, but where I'm getting a little depressed that I'm not losing more weight, I have decided to measure everything so I can see the inches (hopefully) getting smaller. Everyone can go ahead and say a little prayer for me to be able to have enough self control to finish these 4 weeks. I'm going to write this blog once or twice a week with my results and I'll maybe add in a recipe [or pinterest link] of a meal that I absolutely love that week.

Wish me Luck!

Here are my first [semi- starting] measurements:
Weight: 141 (middle of January 2014)
This is the only thing I measured.

What parts of the body do you measure when you are trying to lose weight?
Leave me a comment and let me know because I'm kinda lost on this whole
"measure your body"


  1. That's awesome Leisa. I like to hear about people's lifestyle changes. :)

  2. Arm circumference around bicep, waist at the belly button, hips around fullest part and your thigh, above the bust.(from my personal trainer husband) good luck friend! You are incredible!
